Dental Procedures

Our Pediatric Dental Procedures in Lake Worth

Babies teeth, also known as primary teeth, are important for all of your little one’s developments. The child primary teeth care includes speaking, eating and holding space for their developing adult teeth. Their teeth will also be crucial to their overall well being, development, and growth. Therefore, if babies develop cavities, being left untreated can cause pain, infections, and swelling, which can result in damage to their adult teeth. 

A cavity forms a hole in the tooth. With millions of bacteria living in our mouth, the addition of acidity brought on by eating sugar and other specific foods can cause damage to the teeth. This acid is what essentially causes holes in the tooth to form, and if caught early, can be a much easier and less expensive procedure than if they are large. Which will be especially easier on your child. 

Our goal is to keep your child’s oral health and smile as healthy as can be. So, preventing cavities from developing, and treating them as early as we can, not only aid in your child’s health but provides your peace of mind as well.

Hospital Dentistry in Lake Worth

Common Pediatric Dentistry Procedures

A sealant is a protective coating placed on the back adult molars to prevent cavities. As a straightforward, safe, and non-invasive procedure, it is generally tolerated well by children. 

A filling is used to fill a cavity once all of the tooth decay has been removed. This material is the same color as your child’s teeth, which is made from composite resins and glass ionomers. Generally, smaller cavities can be filled without the use of local anesthesia. 

Nerve Treatments
Cavities that have been untreated early have the potential to involve the nerve. If this occurs, your child may require a form of nerve treatment. This type of treatment may either involve a Pulpotomy, which is a nerve treatment that preserves the tooth and keeps the nerve alive, or pediatric root canal treatment in Lake Worth, which removes the nerve of the tooth, disinfects the area and then the root is filled. Both treatments are very common, painless, and straightforward procedures. 

Cavities that are large and deep or have potentially affected multiple areas of the tooth may require a crown. A crown will go around the tooth instead of traditionally placed on a permanent tooth. Although this procedure would seem like a complicated one, crowns are quick to place and can be accomplished in one visit. However, different tooth locations will require different types of crowns. In most cases, when involving the back teeth, stainless steel crowns (metal) are used. Although we also offer non-metal alternatives which you can find more information on or ask us on your visit. 

Unfortunately, every so often, a tooth can be unfixable or can become overly infected. In this case, we would recommend removing the tooth to limit any further damage. 

Space Maintainers
At times, a baby’s molar (back tooth) can be lost early due to infection, cavities, or even by accident. If this occurs, we are able to place a space maintainer in the space where the molar used to be. This will stop the remaining teeth from shifting unnaturally and will hold the space until the adult tooth is ready to emerge. Common space maintainers include band-and-loop, transalatal arch, nance, and lingual arch.